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featured Awards

The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it - John Ruskin

2019 Director's Coin Award

Oregon State University

Division of Extension and Engagement. 


Excellence in support of the Outreach and Engagement  missions and for leadership of OSU's 2020 Carnegie Community Engagement Reclassification Process.


Vice-Provost for Outreach & Engagement Award  

Oregon State University

Division of Extension and Engagement. 


For transformational learning throgh the service learning program: Food Security and Nutrition Education: Capacity Building in Puerto Rico. Co-Leader.


Vice-Provost for Outreach & Engagement Award 

Oregon State University

Division of Extension and Engagement. 


For transformational learning through engaged research at the Cyberlaboratory, Hatfield Marine Science Center. 



Love of Learning Award 

Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.


For transformational learning through engaged research at the Cyberlaboratory, Hatfield Marine Science Center. 



Best Research Poster Award

Oregon State University 


9th Annual Markham Symposium, Hatfield Marine Science Center.




Sherry Fisher Award

Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.


Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation: Outstanding J. N. Ding Darling Applicant.


J. N. Ding Darling Award

Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.


Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation: Conservation communication and scholarly achievement.


Environmental Education Award

National Association for Interpretation (NAI).


NAI Environmental Education Section awards to my master's thesis  for outstanding research in the field.


2006 Dr. Keith McNurlen Award

Iowa Division of the Izaak Walton League.

2005 International Student Award.

Iowa State University Women’s Club.

2002 Honors Conference Award

First Biology Exposition of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.

2002 Honors Conference Award

First Teaching, Research and Extension Journey of the federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.. 

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